Trust in your persuasion.


Let your ideas speak up

Ideas speak for themselves. But do you let your ideas speak up? Our world is getting ever more complex and rich in information. What you say isn’t the only thing that makes people listen. How you say it matters just as much. Only those ideas that speak to people will reach them. Be ready. Whatever your challenge, Michiel van der Zee helps you develop your skills in conversations, debates and presentation.

Scroll down for an introduction and the possibilities.


Contact us

+31 652 366 559



Who is Michiel van der Zee?

Michiel van der Zee has been active for years as trainer, coach and moderator. With his background as competitive debater and stage actor, he has deep knowledge of all facets of persuasion. How does he use this knowledge in practice?

“My method consists of practice, feedback and exercise. With this method you refine your content and learn to get it across in a compelling way. The result is clarity, which feels liberating both during the session and in your professional life.”

Michiel van der Zee is ready to work with you, based on your learning goals and challenges. With a group or in a personal session, he puts your development center stage with interaction, humor, knowledge and most of all, lots of practice.

What can you do?

Debate Effectively


Learn to posit your views effectively. After this training, your debating style will be clear, open, and lead to results. Whether you are on stage, in democratic representation or work in an organization with an open debate culture. Especially suited for politicians.

Persuade Professionally


Professional organizations are growing ever more complex. With this training you learn to persuade colleagues, team members and leaders. You will work with subtle techniques based on insights from psychology and neuroscience. After this training, you will know when to ask questions, give room to others or how to take away resistance.

Present Clearly

Presenting is a skill, not an art. Nerves, convolution or an overdose of information: with this training you take control of your presentation. Apply insights from theatre and public speaking to train your body, voice and structure, for the best possible presentation. Afer this training your ideas will take the spotlight.

Strengthen Chairing

To chair well is to strike a balance. Between technical and dynamic, verbose speakers and silent ones. During the chairing training you strengthen your opening skills, learn to intervene dynamically and to conclude clearly. With these skills you will elevate every meeting to a higher level.

Activating Moderation

Every conversation has great potential to yield valuable insights. But how do you unlock this potential? Learn to strike a balance between sharp questions, room for every speaker and engaging the audience. This way you activate any conversation and ensure that everyone takes home new, useful insights.

Personal Coaching

You have a challenge you want to tackle face to face. For instance, you want to have better conversational technique, optimally prepare an important presentation, or better handle resistance to your views. Whatever it is, a personal coaching is the perfect, in-depth way to reach your goals.

What can Michiel van der Zee do for you?



Every organisation has a certain culture in debate and conversation. How can you improve this culture? Michiel van der Zee will observe meetings, have conversations with key people, and ask the right questions. The result is an analysis with recognizable observations and practical tips for improvement. Strengthening your organisation?
It starts with good analysis.


Sharp questions, room for all speakers and great interaction with the audience: Michiel van der Zee unlocks the potential of every debate or conversation. He brings years of experience moderating election debates, panel discussions, and chairing events. Together you analyse the content of your event and anticipate difficult situations.
Activate your conversations with Van der Zee Overtuigbureau.


Your content deserves the best form.

Contact us

For a personal conversation you can call, e-mail or send a message on LinkedIn. Michiel van der Zee will gladly stop by for a cup of coffee, or assess your challenges by phone.